Welcome to
June 9, 2021
There are 2 Sessions - Session 1 from 6:10 - 6:50 pm and Session 2 from 6:50 - 7:30 pm
Each session session features a series of live poster discussions
Note: when you preview posters, a new window will be created - for the best Zoom experience, it is advised
to close all inactive windows on your device.
- To enter a poster presentation, click on the "Zoom Link" under the title and presenter name
- To move to another poster presentation, LEAVE MEETING and click on the next ZOOM meeting link
- Repeat the process to move in and out of different poster presentations - you can do in any order you wish
- SESSION 1: 6:10 - 6:50 pm
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 548 675 5405 Passcode: 6DYnjG
Lo, Anna, Thomas Jefferson University
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 863 3634 9876 Passcode: k9zrFZ
Ngu, Michael, Einstein HealthCare Network
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 835 6862 3928 Passcode: RpYH1d
Einstein HealthCare Network
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 755 3014 1058 Passcode: 6Yqax0
Temple University
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 768 6723 5392 Passcode: P6i3Vw
Penn Medicine
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 848 0607 3884 Passcode: adampes
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 949 4805 3694 Passcode: xEYS3rnk
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 922 0154 2513 Passcode: 568830
SESSION 2: 6:50 - 7:30 pm
Einstein HealthCare Network
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 913 2762 1508 Passcode: J5P87v
Mahmood, Ejaz, Einstein HealthCare Network
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 857 2664 4496 Passcode: NyXNh6
Dengler, Sam. Cooper University Health Care
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 372 831 5121 Passcode: D6HQqk
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 790 4961 4735 Passcode: 4BHp70
Cooper University Health Care
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 754 4963 7281 Passcode: DrCJh3
Temple University
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 850 9370 3264 Passcode: Bi0Wpm
Penn Medicine
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 602 068 9353 Passcode: 979779
Fox, Tamaryn, Einstein Health Care Network
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 965 9740 9722 Passcode: 1234
Craven, Meghan, Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 917 6218 6173 Passcode: 3009515
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,91762186173# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,91762186173# US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 917 6218 6173
Find your local number: https://temple.zoom.us/u/aBflkE2Lx
7:30 - 7:35 pm Opening Remarks
Ajay Rao, MD, MMSc, FACE, President
7:35 - 7:55 pm Keynote Address
Charles A Stanley, MD
Emeritus Professor, Pediatrics
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Director, Congenital Hyperinsulinism Research Laboratory
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Title: "Neonatal Hypoglycemia: what’s new for endocrinologists"
8:00 - 9:00 pm Fellow Oral Presentations
Rachana Mundada, MD, Jefferson Health
A rare case of hereditary pancreatic neuro endocrine tumor syndrome -
Mahvash disease
Anne Borja, MD, Cooper University Health Care
Management of Denosumab-induced Hypocalcemia: A Case Study
Kunal Shah, MD, Temple Health
The Effects of a Radiographically Unique Paraganglioma
Charlene Lai, MD, Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania
Early racial/ethnic disparities in pediatric type 1 diabetes
9:00 pm Wrap Up and Conclusion