Next Meeting
April 9, 2025
TJU Alumni Hall
Eakins Lounge
1020 Locust St.
Phila, PA 19107
6:00 to 8:30 pm
With a membership from the tri-state region, PES holds eight programs a year, ending in May with a keynote address by one of the region's eminent emeriti endocrinologists and presentations by adult and pediatric endocrine fellows from the region's training programs.
The highlight of the year is the annual endocrine symposium held in November, which features internationally recognized endocrinologists such as past contributors like John Bilezikian, Dolores Shoback, Irl Hirsch, Susan Mandel, Irina Bancos, and Mark Molitch, to name a few.
Endocrinologists throughout the region are invited to join this collegial society and participate in our educational activities for healthcare professionals, trainees, and students.
2024 - 2025 OFFICERS
Samir Panvelker, MD Marissa Kilberg, MD, MSEd
President Vice President/Secretary
Daniel Rosenbaum, MD Patrick Hanley, MD, MSHQS
Treasurer Past President